Borewell Plumbing

We know that water is an essential component of your home and it is very important for you to make sure that the system has been correctly installed and maintained. Plumbing work that is done by individuals is not reliable. As a plumbing contractor we can do more complex tasks than a plumber, as well as all of the tasks that a plumber can do. In addition, you could be putting the safety of you and your family at risk.

Plumbers are essential for any borewell renovation or installation. Plumbers can handle the installation of pumps and all other fittings that helps in pumping water to sump / overhead tanks.

PVC pipe has been a very big deal in the plumbing industry in the last few decades, because it is lighter and easier to work with than traditional GI pipe. PVC pipe is easy to install, and requires little more than a hacksaw, miter box, and solvents which essentially glue the pipe together.

We offer all kinds of plumbing repair and installation, like installing a new borewell submersible pump, compressor pump, installation of new overhead tanks, repairing a burst pipe or a leaking tap etc.

For expert advice on all your plumbing needs in Bangalore, please reach us at +91 9845944472, +91 7353373533